A revista semanal carioca Manchete, do empresário Adolpho Bloch, jogava confete, bem pra
cima sobre fatos que envolvessem os presidentes da república, principalmente posses. Era sagrado!
Adotava estilo de coluna social dos jornais diários. Um dos bons exemplos de tal postura foi a cobertura do último baile promovido pelo Governo no Rio de Janeiro, após Cidade Maravilhosa passar o posto de capital brasileira para Brasília.
Adotava estilo de coluna social dos jornais diários. Um dos bons exemplos de tal postura foi a cobertura do último baile promovido pelo Governo no Rio de Janeiro, após Cidade Maravilhosa passar o posto de capital brasileira para Brasília.
No dizer da semanária, o baile -
no prédio onde funcionava o chamado Palácio
Itamaraty, ou seja, o Ministério das Relações Exteriores – “reviveu o
esplendor dos grandes dias”, tendo sido o primeiro oferecido pelo presidente da
república (João Goulart), desde a inauguração de Brasília – festa para o corpo
diplomático e a elite das colunas sociais brasileiras.
O presidente Jango recebe os cumprimentos do corpo diplomático |
E o tome da coluna social
prosseguia com o relato do menu: “Aos convidados (não precisava dizer que fora servido aos convidados, pois quem não
foi convidado não degustou), além de caviar, champanhe e uísque em profusão,
foi oferecido um grande espetáculo de balé, em que, sobre amplo tablado, ao ar
livre, exibiu-se sob aplausos, o Corpo de Baile do (Teatro) Municipal (mais uma
bola fora do redator, pois seria indelicado não aplaudir os bailarinos)
Ministro do Interior e Justiça (e esposa) Aderbal Jurema |
Maria Teresa dança com Ermelindo Matarazzo |
Balé do Municipal |
Casais Gílson Amado, Mauro Sales e Gustavo Capanema |
newspapers. One of the good examples of such a position was the coverage of thelast ball promoted by the Government in Rio de Janeiro, after Cidade Maravilhosa passed the Brazilian capital post to Brasilia.
In the words of the weekly, the ball - in the building where the so-called Itamaraty Palace, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "revived the splendor of the great days", was the first one offered by the president of the republic (João Goulart), since the inauguration of Brasilia - a feast for
the diplomatic corps and the elite of the Brazilian social columns.
More Headline said: "This party, very competed, was a brilliant reporter slipped into the text, as he did not have to say that it was very competitive. Or would not it? Would any party offered by the president of the republic cease to interest socialites? And the drink from the social column proceeded with the menu's account:"To the guests (it was not necessary to say that it was served to the guests, for who was not invited did not taste), besides caviar, champagne and whiskey in profusion, was offered a great spectacle of ballet, in which, on a wide open-air stage, the Ball Corps of the (Theater) Municipal was shown under applause (another ball outside the editor, because it would be impolite not to
Hílton Almeida (senhora), presidente do lube de Engenharia do Rio de Janeiro |
The "columnist" highlighted the elegance of the "Lady" Maria Teresa FontenelleGoulart, "in her white satin dress with overlaid gauze, embroidered and silver and crystal tears". He added that during the dance (which could not be later), which lasted until four in the morning, the first lady danced with
some of the ministers of state, with the Nicaraguan ambassador and with Mr.Ermelindo Matarazzo.
For his part, in relation to the head of government, reported headline that this, when receiving greetings, always return with kindly good wishes "- I confess
some of the ministers of state, with the Nicaraguan ambassador and with Mr.Ermelindo Matarazzo.
For his part, in relation to the head of government, reported headline that this, when receiving greetings, always return with kindly good wishes "- I confess
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