

sábado, 30 de junho de 2018


A VARIG-VIAÇÃO AÉREA RIO-GRANDENSE, que caprichava em seu marketing de TV, exibindo "jingles" que viravam referência, não perderia a oportunidade de se divulgar como  transportadora de heróis do esporte.
Mandou o seu relado legal quando a Seleção Brasileira voltou do México com o o “tri” da intercalada conquista das Copas do Mundo de 1958, 1962 e 1970. Era uma empresa também “tri”- trilegal!, pois levara e buscara o time canarinho das três campanhas.                          Criada pelo Alemão Otto Ernst Meyer, em 7 de maio de 1927, a VARIG voou pelo céu do Brasil (e de vários países) durante 79 temporadas, encerrando as suas atividades em 20 de julho de 2006.     

In 1970, the VARIG-Rio Grande-Airway was the main one in the country. And he would not miss the opportunity to take the glory of having transported the heroes of the three-time world championship. The company was also "tri", as it was coined the intercalated achievements of 1958, 1962 and 1970, since it was chosen by the then Brazilian Confederation of Sports-CBD (current Brazilian Confederation of Soccer-CBF) to fly with their boys, respectively , to Sweden, Chile and Mexico.
  Founded by the German Otto Meyer, in Porto Alegre on May 7, 1927, VARIG was the first of its kind in Brazil, having existed until July 20, 2006. Its marketing was very creative, not restricted to magazines and newspapers, but also on TV

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