O ardente verão carioca de 1956 foi marcado por excessivas visitas às praias e falta de água nas torneiras. Mas este último detalhe não foi problema para as gatinhas Moema, Letícia, Marília e Eneida. Acompanhadas de mais uma amiga, elas se mandavam para as águas frias da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas e se faziam a festa, esvoaçando os seus cabelos a toda velocidade. Eram esquiadora, que fugiram, um pouco, dos jogos de tênis e peteca nas areias de Copacabana, para curtirem novas aventura. Para dominarem a modalidade, elas começaram a brincadeira pela primavera. No verão, já faziam piruetas, parecendo meninas de circo. Segundo elas, para dar saltos eletrizantes e furar as marolas do pedaço, só era preciso coragem, pernas bem equilibradas e paixão pela velocidade. E maiôs coloridos, também de bolinhas bem branquinhas, bem coladinho, para dar um tom bem diversificado à paisagem. No mais, era virar um meteoro sobre as águas das lagoa.
Burning Rio summer 1956 was marked by excessive visits to beaches and lack of water in the taps. But this last detail was no problem for the Moema kiddies, Leticia, Marilia and Aeneid. Accompanied by another friend, they are sent to the cold waters of the Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas and made the party, blowing her hair at full speed. They were skier, who fled, rather, the games of tennis and badminton in the sands of Copacabana, to tan for new adventure. To dominate the sport, they began to play in the spring. In the summer, as they did pirouettes, like circus girls. According to them, to give electrifying leaps and stick the ripples of the piece, I was just takes courage, well-balanced legs and passion for speed. And colorful swimsuits, also well branquinhas balls and coladinho to give a diverse tone to the landscape. In all, it was a meteor turn on the water of the pond.
Burning Rio summer 1956 was marked by excessive visits to beaches and lack of water in the taps. But this last detail was no problem for the Moema kiddies, Leticia, Marilia and Aeneid. Accompanied by another friend, they are sent to the cold waters of the Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas and made the party, blowing her hair at full speed. They were skier, who fled, rather, the games of tennis and badminton in the sands of Copacabana, to tan for new adventure. To dominate the sport, they began to play in the spring. In the summer, as they did pirouettes, like circus girls. According to them, to give electrifying leaps and stick the ripples of the piece, I was just takes courage, well-balanced legs and passion for speed. And colorful swimsuits, also well branquinhas balls and coladinho to give a diverse tone to the landscape. In all, it was a meteor turn on the water of the pond.
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